
2003-2022, the impossible Shiite power in Iraq

The fall of Saddam Hussein’s regime (2003) brutally liberated the expression of Shiite identity in Iraq, the world discovering a community sidelined for the last 30 years, even if it had played an essential role in the modern history of the country.

Pierre-Jean Luizard

3rd June 2022


Daesh and Sunnis in Iraq: perception within the Sunni community in Iraq, acquaintances and antagonisms

For more than a decade, Sunnis have suffered from exclusion and a serious crisis of representation that has prevented them from looking to the future. Hit by heavy measures, by foreign occupation and by the political ascendancy of the Shiites, the Sunnis have ended up turning to Daech to give substance to their collective response. Pierre-Jean Luizard takes a critical look at this structural situation in Iraq.

Pierre-Jean Luizard

14th October 2022


Interview with Pierre-Jean Luizard “The History of Iraq: from Sumer to today”

Pierre-Jean Luizard, is a French historian, specialised on Iraq and director of the National Centre on Scientific research (CNRS). He came to the French Research Centre on Iraq (CFRI) to give a presentation on the history of Iraq, which as he says himself, “a French angle that you are most welcome to disagree with”. Facing him were participants representing the Iraqi youth in all its diversity that participated in this training course, organised by the CFRI in Paris from the 5th to 9th of September. The project was co-organised by the Civil Development Organisation and the Barzani Charity Foundation, two civil society organisations from Iraq. The aim of the course was to learn, share and collectively think on how to articulate Iraqi diversity in these trouble times.

Pierre-Jean Luizard

4th November 2022


The Role of Iraqi Militias in the Gaza War

Pierre-Jean Luizard explores, for the CFRI, the complex ties between militias, political parties, and Iran, and explains their superficial role in the Gaza war, notably due to a lack of sufficient popular support.

Pierre-Jean Luizard

29th November 2023

CFRI Analysis

Iraq: When the State Opposes Its Society

In his article for the CFRI, Pierre-Jean Luizard, Emeritus Director of Research, reflects on the obstacles that hindered the development of a welfare state in Iraq, despite the affluence derived from its oil resources.

Pierre-Jean Luizard

26th January 2024

Strong state - Weak State

Iraq, the return of Daesh? The story of an instrumentalisation

Pierre-Jean Luizard offers his analysis of Daesh s positions in the region as the international coalition fight against the group comes to an end.

Pierre-Jean Luizard

19th April 2024

CFRI Analysis